Author: UIUX Lab
5 Web VR Frameworks to Help Developers Build Interesting Design
We often touch 3D-style web design, they look cool. Simultaneously, it is very interesting. I admire this technique very much, however, this may also represent the beginning of the Virtual Reality (VR). Using VR equipments to manipulate the web pages is a cool experience staying in a immersive website,. This article, I will enumerate some…
Shadower Pro – A Clean WordPress Blog Theme Released in 2017
Hi there. Not all clients are fond of animated and complex website. Shadower Pro with simple layout designs, very simple customizers and modest features give your website flexibility and functionality. By and large, clean website is more inviting and easier to navigate compared to heavy loaded websites. Shadower Pro is a beautiful and full responsive blog WordPress theme…
The Most Used Responsive Breakpoints in 2017 Of Mine
I believe many web designers still have many confusion for the responsive design . Screen resolution? CSS3 Media Queries? Device width? Screen Sizes? And so on. The rapid development of web design and electronic devices in this years which must soon lead to increase an everexpanding workload. For a while you have to be compatible…
Simple Yet Beautiful Free Drag & Drop Page Builder for WordPress!
If you’re ready for a little positivity, here’s some of cool stuff I can all look forward to in 2017. Now, a simple yet beautiful and free drag & drop page builder is released. Its name is “Uix Page Builder” and I strongly recommend this tool. Creating custom layouts in WordPress shouldn’t be hard. Uix…
2 Easy Customizable Beautiful Free Responsive WordPress Blog Themes 2016
2017 is coming, let me give you 2 easy customizable, beautifu, clean and responsive free WordPress themes for your blog , worry not. I’ve cut through the muck just for you. This is my developed themes, with powerful customization and a completely free admin panel. I hope it will help your blog to get the…
Significant Optimizations for Uix Shortcodes Version 1.3.5 ( Final Version, 2016 )
Hi, guys, this is a simple and free shortcodes plugin. Well what was a pretty awesome plugin just got better? Welcome to Uix Shortcodes 1.2.5 – more features, faster speed, builder compatibility and more! We realize there are a lot of free shortcode plugins out there but we’ve set out to make ours one of…