Uix Kit

Text Effect

Add attributes data-text-eff="letters-eff-{EFF}-{INDEX}" and data-text-eff-speed="800" to any HTML tag.
The value of {EFF} are: fadeInRight, zoomInDown, flyInOut, fading, floatingUp, scaleIn.
The value of {INDEX} can be any different character.

FadeInRight effect is used on the same page at the same time (Speed: 5500ms)

FadeInRight effect is used on the same page at the same time (Speed: 1500ms)

FadeInRight effect is used on the same page at the same time (Speed: 100ms)

ZoomInDown Text Effect Here

FlyInOut Text Effect Here

Fading Text Effect Here

FloatingUp Text Effect Here

ScaleIn Text Effect Here